Finally the possibility of issuing building permits granting land plots blind lanes:

Egk-3678/1/28-1-10 Apof-3678/1/10 Egk-3678/1/28-1-2010
Egk-3678/1/10 Egk-3678/1/2010
E-1/10 Egk-1/2010
With CTE -1828/2008 the provisions of paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 of Art-6 of PD/24-4-85 (FEK-181/D/85) is invalid "which defines the conditions and procedure for territorial concessions by private lanes and putting in common use in order to become developable property devoid of any person in a public area and incapable, therefore, be structured.
Read here the circular 1 / 10

Apof-10237/3/12-3-10 Egk-3/10 [VALID FROM 10/03/12] E-3/10
Clarifications on the implementation of Egk-1/10 and directions for the design of divisional
urban design in the paragraph 3 of Art-19 of N-2508/97 (FEK-128/A/97)
Also the Apof-10237/3/12-3-10 Egk-3/10 given details of the implementation of Egk-1/10 and directions for the design of partial urban study in the paragraph 3 of Art-19 of N -2508/97 (FEK-128/A/97)